Monday, March 11, 2013

Annie L Carroll & Nathan Springer

Annie Elizabeth Lewis Carroll was Birda's older sister.

She was married to Joseph Hyrum Carroll in 1899, but they later divorced in 1923.
Annie then married Nathan Chatman Springer (of Midway, UT) in Salt Lake City, UT on 18 Mar 1925.
Thus, she became Annie Elizabeth Lewis Carroll Springer.
Nate C Springer and Annie E Lewis Carroll
Photoshopped together by me
Nate photo from Kaylene Harding via email
Annie photo from the personal albums of Howard Carroll
Newspaper notice:
SOURCE: Vernal Express 1925, Mar 20, p.3
Newspaper notice transcribed:
Mrs. Annie Carroll left Sunday morning for Salt Lake City where she was married to Nathan Springer of Midway in the Salt Lake temple Wednesday, March 18.  Mr. Springer and Mrs. Carroll were childhood chums and we wish them a long and happy married life.
*Spelling corrected wherein I was aware.

Marriage License notice:
SOURCE: Vernal Express 1925, Mar 27, p.8
Marriage License notice transcribed:
Marriage License.
On March 17, the county clerk of Utah county, Provo, issued a marriage license to Nathan C. Springer of Midway and Mrs. Annie E. Carroll of Vernal.

 Marriage License application:
Honeymoon notice:
SOURCE: Vernal Express 1925, Apr 10, p.4-2
Honeymoon notice transcribed:
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Springer returned home Sunday evening after spending their honeymoon in Wasatch county.

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